Technology Lesson Plan
In 2011, Tennessee implemented the Tennessee Educator Acceleration Model (TEAM). This evaluation model was adapted from the Teacher Advancement Program (TAP) developed by Lowell Milken. The implementation of TEAM has ushered in a new approach to evaluating teacher performance. TEAM offers both quantitative and qualitative components as well as rubrics that consist of 23 specific indicators that are based off of research-based standards.
Teachers are observed two to six times a year by evaluators who are trained and certified by TAP. The new evaluation model allows teachers to engage in professional growth, career advancement, and promotes a collaborative environment that is focused on student-centered instruction. You can download a fillable PDF version of the lesson plan model here. If you would prefer, you can download the Microsoft Word version below.
Lesson Plan Template Download Here
Donors Choose Grant Project
Today we learn the basics of grant writing. We will cover what you need to know to get started receiving funds for your classroom. How to find funds, identify a need, and developing a plan of action will be discussed. This assignment will give you an opportunity to write for a fictional Donors Choose grant. A winner will be selected.
Donors Choose:
Donors Choose is the easiest way to receive funds for your classroom. This assignment will teach you how to use and apply for a Donors Choose grant.
Donors Choose Explained:
Currently, Donors Choose works on a point system. When you sign up for an account, you receive three points. You spend the points to apply for projects. Here's the points value:
1 Point: $400 or less
2 Points: $401-$2000
3 Points: A class visitor
3 Points: A class trip up to $1200
4 Points: A class trip $1200 or more
4 Points: $2001 or more
6 Points: A special request outside the approved directory of Donors Choose.
How do they keep you honest?
You lose points if you don't send a thank you package on time, or you fail to confirm that you still want the materials for your project when it is funded. If you project is not funded, you will NOT lose a point.
What do you need to do to apply?
First, you need a catchy title.
Second, you need to shop and compile your list.
Third, you need to explain how the items you receive will benefit your classroom.
The application (Assignment).
Section one: You will need to create a one sentence hook that brings people to your project. This sentence must start with "My students need."
Section two: Write two or three sentences that will grab the attention of the donor. This is where you creativity will make your project stand out from the rest.
Section three: Write three paragraphs explaining who your students are and important demographic information.
Section four: Discuss how you will use each item on the list, and how the parts are needed to complete the whole project.
Section five: Write a one paragraph conclusion.
If your project is funded, you will need to write three paragraphs and include six pictures of how your project was a success. The pictures will need to show students using the material and engaging in activities. You will also need to conclude your document with "with gratitude" and then your name.
Directory of approved vendors:
Teachers' School Supply ABC School Supply Abilitations AKJ Books
Amazon Best Buy Blick Art Materials Cannon Sports
Carolina Biological Supply Company CDW Childcraft Education Britannica Digital Learning
Frey Scientific Grainger Kaplan Early Learning Company Lakeshore Learning
Nasco Quill Sargent-Welch Sax Arts & Crafts
Scholastic Classroom Magazines School Specialty Sportime
TIME for Kids
Woodwind & Brasswind