My Word Wall
My word wall is an app created for beginning readers to practice early reading and writing skills. This app helps young readers through numerous games and activities that are engaging and fun for the students. It assists beginning readers learn to read and write by enabling thiem see, hear, say, and write a variety of words. Word Wall caters to students learning by having different activities that recognize different ages, reading levels, and learning styles. It also provides learning opportunities for ESL students and students with special needs to help improve or develop their reading and writing skills as well.
This app allows students to see words with visual cues as in a picture to start making the connection with picture and word. Students also have the opportunity to hear the word said and phonetically sounded out. Students are also prompted to say the words to strengthen reading skills. Lastly, students are to write words to practice their writing skills. These skills are practiced through games and activities as in a matching game or jigsaw puzzle.
Price: $1.99