Posts tagged #flashcards


StudyBlue is a free app that allows teachers to create flash cards, study guides, and quizzes for students, with the option of adding audio and video. The possiblities are endless with this. This is something that could be used in class, as well as provide extra help for students outide of class.

Students can also create and share their own flashcards. It remembers where you left off, so you can pick it up right where you left off. Students can quiz themselves, track progress, and set reminders. Additionally, the mode of study can be changed from flipping flash cards to review sheets. Students can collaborate with each other inside the app through discussions, questions, sharing flashcards and other materials.  The app also allows you to search for related user generated content. There are some paid features within the app, but there is a free membership available.

Once you create a free account, login and either enter the class or subject information. Then you can begin creating content and sharing with students. It also allows you to link it to a specific school, so you can connect with other classrooms within the app.

Posted on December 8, 2014 .


Brainscape is a free app on the iPhone. I can also be acess on the computer. A teacher can create flashcard sets on his/her phone/computer then share it with her class. He/she can make his/her students make their own flashcards for an assignment. The app also has free sets of flashcards than are in every subject from Math to French. The app also has sets of flashcards to buy, but instead of buying the sets, a teacher could just make one. The app will send you reminders that say "Do you remember the word "merci"?" if you allow it. This allows you to study the cards throughout the day without actually accessing the app. The app test how well you know the words by how quickly you respond, and will show you words you struggle with more often than those you have mastered. The app also has a blog section that posts about your specific interests and other informative artivales about teaching and learning.


Posted on November 5, 2014 .